You're an online retailer and on top of all your other expenses, you're trying to offer decent (or free) shipping rates to keep your customers happy. That means you're constantly forking the cost every time your customer orders something to be shipped, and it hurts.
Here's the good news: There's a way to offer free shipping to your customers while still making killer savings on shipping!
Our infographic will teach you the quickest and easiest shipping hacks that work every time. Follow these 6 steps and say no to overspending on shipping costs from today onward.
If you'd like to speak to one of our Customer Support Heroes about how you can further save on shipping, or if you're interested in a tailor-made solution for your business , feel free to contact us at any time. We're open 24/7 and we'd love to hear from you!
For the full version of our tips to save on shipping, click the button below.