We understand the risks and the uncertainties of where or how to start when planning to sell internationally. That is why we have collaborated with Export Development Canada (EDC) to help your business grow and succeed beyond the Canadian borders with confidence. They are Canada's international risk experts, providing exporters with knowledge, financing, insurance and connections across the globe.
EDC has been helping small and large Canadian companies by protecting their sales, sharing exporting advice and finding their next market. Make informed decisions about international markets and take your business to places you never thought possible from Canada’s top trade experts.
Reduce the uncertainties of exporting by utilizing EDC's insurance protection that lowers the risk when your business sells outside of Canada.
Ability to manage and take on risk so your business can access capital and grow internationally.
Utilize expertise that will enable your business to make informed decisions and learn more about international markets.
Leverage EDC's connections across Canada and in markets around the world to introduce your business to new customers, agents, distributors and other partners.
eShipper is fully equipped to support your business as it grows.