What does LTL stand for?

Good question! It means "less than load"-in other words, less than a full truckload. Typically, once a shipment exceeds 150 lbs. it moves from courier (small parcel) to LTL, and these can be either skids or pallets.

Here are a few things to always remember when booking LTL shipments:

The transit times you see on eShipper when booking LTL shipments are only an estimate, unfortunately there are no guaranteed transit times in LTL.

If you require an absolutely guaranteed delivery please use our direct-drive service, please contact your account rep for a quote and/or email

Insurance: Ensure you Insure!

eShipper offers an excellent insurance rate of $1.25 per $100, this is half the cost of insurance in the market and serves an amazing deal.if you choose not to purchase insurance you are only eligible for $2.00/lb for domestic and cross-border shipments; or $4.00/lb for domestic USA shipments.

TIP: To be sure that your freight charges can be eligible in a claim situation in addition to the value, simply add the shipping charges to the freight value when calculating and booking the required insurance (i.e. if the value is $4000 and the shipping charge is $150 then you would insure for a total of $4150).


Please complete your paperwork on eShipper and make sure you attach it to each skid/pallet, and also hand it to the driver.

If paperwork is missing during the course of the shipment, please email and quote the BOL or transaction # in the subject line and one of our amazing operations team members will jump in and assist.


We do NOT move any alcoholic products at all on eShipper. If you do send a shipment with alcohol without consulting eShipper beforehand, we will not be able to provide any compensation on lost time or lost shipments.


An adjustment may be added to the original rate that was calculated on eShipper for the following reasons:If the weight or dimensions of the load is more than what you entered when booking the shipment.If the carrier arrives to the pickup location and the skids/pallets are not ready and the carrier has to wait.If accessorial services such as tailgate, appointment at delivery etc…are required but were not indicated when the shipment was created on eShipper.If your consignee refuses the shipment you will be charged the full shipment costs, and also the return shipment charges as well.

Please note: The eShipper account holder is responsible for paying all additional charges when they occur.


Due to Truck routing and maximising efficiencies - please be aware that pickups are not guaranteed the same day that the shipment was created.

TIP: Book your shipment on eShipper before 11am as this is when the carriers do their routing to pick up for the same day! If your freight is not picked-up the day you book the shipment on eShipper, it will automatically go on the board for the following day.

Please note:Pickup days are not included in transit times, and neither are weekends and holidays.The estimated transit days do not include the day the package is shipped on. The number of days in transit calculation begins after the package is initially picked up for shipping.The calculation of days in transit does not include the day the package is delivered on.Transit times you see on eShipper are estimates only and are not guaranteed delivery times.